Picture Smart Bible Newsletters


Dan Peters sends out quarterly newsletters to give you encouragement in your personal walk with the Lord and to keep you up-to-date on the growing influence of

PictureThis! Ministries.


If you would like to receive these quarterly updates, send an email to Dan with "Newsletter sign-up" in the subject line. (to read a monthly newsletter click on the month's name.


Click here for the most recent newsletters.



May/June - Conventions bring unique blessings. Many parents come to the table just to tell us how much The Picture Smart Bible has blessed their family. When eyes light up as they see how TPSB works, it overshadows all the pain of the trip. But the greatest thrill by far is giving the Father’s blessing to virtually everyone who stops at
the booth. Numbers 6:24-26 illustrated in Book I of our LWS series is ideal for my demo and the Father’s blessing. Time after time, I watch a transformation take place. (Listen to this with your heart)...
continue reading



3-13 NewsletterMarch/April - After many years of drawing and teaching the book (of Revelation), much of John’s vision remains a mystery, but...one section especially gives me a thrill- the fall of Babylon! Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has brought us unending pain, sickness and death. He is called many things in the Bible:... continue reading



January Newsletter

January/February - "Always know: God hears and honors your prayers. And He answers every time. He answered your prayers for India, Juanene and me. Together we give Him thanks. He has done great things!" Dan gives a powerful report on his trip to India and the impact Picture Smart Bible had and will have in the future. "On my way home, God spoke to me once more from II Cor. 9. 'I have given bread for you to eat and seed for you to sow. I will now supply and multiply that seed and increase the fruits of your righteousness.' Please stop right now, and give thanks to God. And receive our thanks to each one of you." continue reading...



November/December - Dan focuses the reaching theme on his upcoming India trip. Please join in praying for the hearts of those who will hear the good news. More prayer requests in the the newsletter.


Reaching America. In the midst of a “down economy” and conventions often with fewer attendees, God has prospered PictureThis! Ministries: a 20% growth over last year. Reaching Out. In the past, PictureThis has been introduced to the continents of Russia (Estonia), Africa, South America (Honduras), Israel, China (Thailand), even Eskimoes in the Arctic. We have sold The Picture Smart Bible to missionaries in approximately 50 nations. Translations have been initiated in Russian, Chinese and Spanish languages. continue reading...



September/October 2012 - More details and prayer points about Dan's upcoming trip to India and a testimony from a home schooling mom about the effective use of Picture Smart Bible curriculum. 



July/August 2012Read about important life lessons Dan learned from Hebrews and why he's trying to not be Mr. Fix It any more. The plans for taking the Picture Smart Bible to India are moving rapidly and Dan needs your help in many ways. (read all about it here) 


 May/June 2012 - Abhijit Nayak, our beloved brother from India, just returned Abhijit, Madhumita, Ishi, Jessefrom his home land. He was a VERY busy man. His report:

1. Meetings with key pastors. The reception has been extremely encouraging: “We want The Picture-Smart Bible. We have nothing like this for our children”.


2. Building Development. Abhijit and his friends celebrated a exciting ground-breaking event! Plans have been drawn, building materials delivered and land plots established for the new building in which PictureThis will share a office and storage. (read more)




Third heaven defaultMarch/April 2012 - When teaching in Honduras a few weeks ago, one of the messages the Lord gave me related to the three heavens. Here is a recap.

1st Heaven. This domain is our natural habitat and is best described in Genesis st 1:1-25. It includes everything to the edge of our universe, wherever that may be. God has given us dominion over everything in the 1st and 2nd heaven.

2nd Heaven.We assume this area was in between the first and third heaven because the prince of Persia stopped Gabriel on his way to the earth with a message from God (1). This domain of Satanic beings is described in Ephesians (2). The good news is Jesus “disarmed principalities and powers” and “made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (3). (click on March/April to read about the 3rd heaven and the rest of the newsletter)


January/February 2012 - God show's Dan new pictures to use for the orphanage training in Honduras! Finances needed for India translation project.


Every drop in the bucket adds up!This cartoon came with a gift from my brother (an excellent watercolorist), now retired from the Boston Globe as a staff cartoonist. You may feel your gift is a “drop in the bucket” to our total need. No problem. Enough drops will fill our bucket and we will walk through the doors God has opened. All of your gifts are deeply appreciated. For a gift of any size, we would like to send you “Learning the Word for Life” Book 1- our way of saying “Thanks” (and encouraging you to memorize God’s word).  Dan & Juanene  

(use the donate button on the left to make an online contibution)



November/December 2011 - Preparations for Honduras.


September/October 2011 - Growing list of testimonials from across the country. Read them here!! Also click the testimonial tab for more.



March/April 2011 - Thirty year dream fulfilled: trip to Israel. Impressions and highlights.





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Many drops fill the whole buck!